Download or Upgrade a Product
Download RightFolder applications here and install them as you normally would any other application. The apps are not time-limited and contain basic functionality. If you want to activate the premium features, you can either click the "Buy" button below or click the "Buy" button in the app to open the FastSpring shop. After receiving the registration code via email, click the "Register" button in the app to enter the code along with an email address and unique password. (Hang on to those credentials in case you need to register the app on a different machine...)
Important Note: All RightFolder products have been signed with an official code signing certificate from This should minimize false positives from antivirus vendors. If you cannot install it due to such a false positive, please contact us here and we will try to resolve this.

If you choose to install VLC or Adobe Acrobat (and you should), please match their installers with the version of the installer you use for RightFolder (use all 32-bit installers, or all 64-bit installers)!
If you'd like to upgrade to the premium version, click the button below! The premium version can be installed on up to 2 PCs or laptops, and an easy-to-use rolling registration system allows for loss or theft of a machine.